

In Poland, there are nearly 50 species of mosquitoes. The temperate climate of our country does not, at least for the time being, provide favourable conditions for the occurrence of other, exotic species of mosquitoes living in countries of Africa, Asia and America, transmitting dangerous to human health infectious diseases, such as malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever.

Only female mosquitoes feed on blood and can carry dangerous viruses and bacteria. Males, on the other hand, feed on flower nectar and are completely harmless.

For the development of mosquitoes, in addition to the blood of the host, the presence of water is essential. The female mosquito, feeding on human as well as animal blood, provides the right conditions for eggs to be formed. After fertilisation, the eggs are laid on the surface of a body of water. Therefore, the greatest increase in the mosquito population can be observed during warm and rainy summers. The average life span of a mosquito under favourable environmental conditions is approximately 2-3 months.

After biting itself into the skin, the mosquito injects a drop of saliva, which, among other things, prevent blood from clotting. Mosquito saliva contains dozens of proteins, some of which have been identified as allergens that trigger the release of histamine and an allergic reaction resulting in wheals, redness and itching.
